Joseph Maguire
Associate Professor. School of Computing Science. University of Glasgow.

Office S112
Joseph Maguire is an Associate Professor in Computing Science within the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow working at the intersection of security, privacy and education. Member of the Centre for Computing Science Education and previously visiting researcher at the Centre of Advanced Security Research in the Technische Universität Darmstadt (SICSA, 6K) as well as the Security, Privacy, Adaptation & Requirements Engineering group in Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software at the University of Limerick.
He is interested in the theory and application of computing systems as well as their impact on individuals and society in terms of security, privacy and education. He has made contributions to several leading national and international venues, both in security and education, including CEP, LASER, UKICER, ICER, STAST, CHI as well as EuroS&P.
He is committed to supporting colleagues and students in achieving their best work, having served as General and Programme Chair for the United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research (UKICER) conference, leader of the Engaging and Active Security Education (EASE) workshop, elected vice-chair of the United Kingdom ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education as well as providing sustained academic service to a number of leading venues. Recent grants include the design of an innovative work-based learning programme in Scotland (Skills Development Scotland, 200K) with outcomes presented to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).